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Contact carpool participants

You can view contact info for members of your carpool group by clicking their name. You will see their phone, email, and address if they have chosen to show it. To see everyone in the group, click Members on the Group page. Or click car icon or user icon on any Trip page to view the drivers and passengers.

If you are a group leader, Gomates will help you get a message to the right people. Choose who you want to contact: drivers, passengers, other members of your carpool group, or any combination of these. We will use the latest trip signup information to create your email list.

To create an email list (for leaders)

  1. On the Trip page, click car icon or user icon to see the drivers and passengers.
  2. Click Send Email.
  3. Select drivers, passengers, or members who haven’t signed up for the trip.
  4. Click envelope icon to open your mail program with the addresses pre-filled, or click copy icon to copy the addresses to your clipboard.

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