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Shortcuts to create trips

As a group leader, you can create a new carpool trip quickly by duplicating an old one and then editing the new copy.

Do you have an event that repeats on different days? You can easily make a collection of trips with the same locations and times, called repeating trips. Your group members will see these together on a calendar.

To duplicate a trip

  1. On your Group page, choose the carpool trip you wish to copy. To find a trip which has finished, open the menu menu icon and select Past trips.
  2. On the Trip page, open the menu menu icon and select Duplicate.
  3. A new trip will be prefilled with the same information as the old one. Select a new date, and make any other changes you want.
  4. Click Save to save your new trip.

To repeat a trip

  1. Choose a trip from your Group page or create a new one.
  2. On the Trip page, open the menu menu icon and select Repeat.
  3. Select days of the week to carpool, and date of your last trip.
  4. Click Save. A collection of new trips will be created.

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